Home decor

In the home

Can a house be a home if it’s not clean? We don’t want to find out.

Latest Articles - In The Home

The Stress-Free Way To Clean a Leather Couch
In The Home

The Stress-Free Way To Clean a Leather Couch

Leather couches are statement pieces of the home that look, feel, and smell amazing — and you want to keep it that way. With step-by-step cleaning guidance, and helpful maintenance hacks, you’ll be back to relaxing on your couch in no time.

How to Get Slime Out of Carpet and Everywhere Else it Ended Up
In The Home

How to Get Slime Out of Carpet and Everywhere Else it Ended Up

Slime stains are sticky, but we’ve got solutions. Learn how to get slime out of carpet.

In The Home

A Realistic House Cleaning Schedule

A realistic house cleaning schedule, built specifically around your household and needs, can be the key to a cleaner home, more equal distribution of chores, and more time relaxing on the couch.

In The Home

The Essential Cleaning Supply List

Your home will only be as clean as the tools and supplies you choose. Our essential cleaning supply list will put you on the fast-track to a sparkling home without breaking the bank (or filling your space up with things you don’t need).

In The Home

The Foolproof Way to Get Wax Out of Carpet

Oops, you dripped candle wax on the floor. Never fear — we have a helpful how-to guide for removing spilled wax from carpet.

In The Home

The 6/10 Cleaning Method Just Might Change Your Life

The 6/10 cleaning method can reduce stress associated with accomplishing daily and weekly chores.