How to Get Slime Out of Carpet and Everywhere Else it Ended Up

7 easy steps to remove those pesky slime stains from your carpet.

Kids (and adults) love slime. It’s fun, it’s pretty, and it might even help with stress. But slime is mostly made of glue — and often, food coloring, and sometimes glitter.

You know what’s hard to get out of the carpet? All of those aforementioned slime ingredients.

A woman covers a slime stain with a wet cloth in order to get slime out of carpet.

It’s not like slime is toxic like paint or nail polish, but it’s still pretty annoying to remove. That said, it’s not impossible.

How to get slime out of carpet

Ideally, you get to the slimy carpet stain while it’s fresh. This will radically improve your chances of removing the slime from the carpet and preventing a nasty stain.

How to remove wet slime from the carpet:

  • First things first. Scrape off any excess gobs of slime with either your finger or a butter knife. Try not to rub it into the carpet too much while doing this.
  • Then soak the remaining slime stain with any of the following:
    • A few drops of Dawn Dish Soap + warm water
    • A solution of equal parts white vinegar + water
    • Plain club soda
    • Solution of rubbing alcohol and water (3:1 ratio)
  • Cover the soaked slime stain with a wet cloth and let it sit for about an hour.
  • When you remove the rag, use a stiff-bristled brush to really get at the remaining carpet stain. This should (hopefully) work the rest of the slime out of the carpet.
  • Blot at carpet when you’re done scrubbing at it with another (white!) clean wet rag to remove any remaining soap or vinegar residue.
  • Let the spot air dry.
  • If the slime stain persists, try hitting it with a steam cleaner and some professional stain removal agent(s).

So you didn’t catch the slime while it was wet. Ah, well. This may prove a bit more challenging, but let’s give it the ol’ college try.

How to remove dried slime from the carpet:

  • Using your fingers or a butter knife, scrape off as much of the slime as possible. Be careful to avoid further grinding it into the carpet.
  • Rehydrate the slime by covering the slime stain with a warm wet cloth (make sure it’s quite wet, damp won’t cut it) for about five minutes.
  • Use the wet rag to blot at the slime stain (don’t rub it!) until the slime comes off of the carpet.
  • If the dried slime stain isn’t coming off, revisit the steps from above:
    • Soak the remaining slime stain with either:
      • A few drops of Dawn Dish Soap + warm water
      • A solution of equal parts white vinegar + water
      • Plain club soda
      • Solution of rubbing alcohol and water (3:1 ratio)
    • Cover the soaked slime stain with a wet cloth and let it sit for about an hour.
    • When you remove the rag, use a stiff-bristled brush to really get at the remaining carpet stain. This should (hopefully) work the rest of the slime out of the carpet.
    • Blot at carpet when you’re done scrubbing at it with another clean (white!) wet rag to remove any remaining soap or vinegar residue.
    • Let the spot air dry.
    • If the slime stain persists, try hitting it with a steam cleaner and some professional stain removal agent(s).

How to get slime out of fabric

Let’s take a few deep breaths here. Your little one just smashed slime all over the couch cushions and then you sat in it and now it’s also all over the seat of your favorite jeans. Fantastic. You’ll have those stains out in no time.

How to remove slime from your clothes:

Soak it out method:

  • Scrape off any excess slime from the clothing with a butter knife.
  • Pour some white vinegar or rubbing alcohol straight onto the slime stain.
  • Let it soak for about five minutes.
  • Scrub the stain with a stiff-bristled brush to remove any lingering slime.
  • Blot at the spot with a (white!) clean, damp rag.
  • Launder as usual.

Freeze it out method:

  • Scrape off any excess slime from the clothing with a butter knife.
  • Grab an ice cube (or several, depending on the size of the stain). Rub the ice over the slime spots until they harden up.
  • Continue to use your scraping tool until the stain is gone.
  • If discoloration occurs, try soaking the remaining spot with a mixture of warm water and oxygen whitening for about 30 minutes and then launder the clothes as usual. You can also hit the discolored spot with a stain remover before tossing it in the wash.

How to remove slime from your upholstery:

  • Scrape off any excess slime from the clothing or upholstery with a butter knife.
  • Grab an ice cube (or several, depending on the size of the stain). Rub the ice over the slime spots until it hardens up.
  • Continue to use your scraping tool until the stain is gone.
  • If discoloration occurs on your upholstery, spritz some white vinegar, club soda, or rubbing alcohol straight onto the remaining stain to help dissolve it. (Try to avoid soaking the upholstery so that it will be able to effectively dry.)
  • Let it soak for about five minutes.
  • Blot at the spot with a clean, damp (white!) rag.
  • Allow upholstery to air dry. Open nearby windows or place a fan nearby to accelerate air drying.

How to get slime out of hair

The knee jerk reaction to getting slime out of your kid’s hair (or your own!) might be to grab the scissors — but wait! It’s not chewing gum. You’ve got hope. No need to get all dramatic.

  • To get slime out of hair, try using either:
    • Gel based hand sanitizer
      • Massage the gel hand sani into the slimy hair and rinse it out with clean, warm water.
    • Dawn Dish Soap
      • Rub a few drops of dish soap between your fingers and rub into the affected slimy hair area. Rinse the hair and dish soap out with warm water.
  • Shampoo as normal to get any residue slime and hand sanitizer and dish soap out of the hair.

How to clean slime

Slime stains are like wine stains for kids. It felt totally worth it at the time you were playing or drinking — but the next day you’re probably feeling remorseful while on your hands and knees, blotting furiously at the carpet.

As much as slime is fun to play with, it’s a total mess trying to get it out of carpet, upholstery, clothes, and hair. While our slime cleaning tips are proven effective, that doesn’t mean it’s going to be a fun extracurricular activity. Best to keep the slime play in the kitchen.

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